Monday, December 30, 2013

Installing EMS for Threat Management Gateway

This article describes you the installation or addition of EMS [Enterprise Management Server] for Threat Management Gateways.


Insert TMG DVD and if the Autorun doesnt start, go to the DVD Drive and click on Autorun.hta and you will see below screen followed by the Menu screen.



Click on Run Preparation tool as highlighted in Blue in the above snap and the Forefront TMG Preparation Tool Wizard starts as below. Press Next after reading text part in the below window to understand the process better.

Once you press Next, you will see the License agreement screen as usual, you need to read and accept.Press Next.


In the next window, select EMS and Press Next, the wizard will continue preparing the computer for EMS Installation


and once complete you will the below window

Now, if you select the option of Launch Forefront TMG installation Wizard, a new wizard will automatically open to install the components. If not, go back to autorun.hta and select run install wizard. For easy installation i would choose this option. So the next window which appears on screen is the TMG installation wizard as shown below.


Along with the window above, there also runs another wizard as shown below, which is TMG Installation wizard in our case it should be EMS.

As usual again, there will be license agreement which you need to read and accept.

and Press Next.


In the Next window, enter the customer information like which will be username, organization and a serial number. Press Next once you complete the entry of the information.


Select installati0n path, i would leave as is and press Next


This is our New EMS installation, so i will select the new EMS configuration

Press Next in the next window as well since, this will be our new and only EMS server for the moment.

Also, you need to give the name and description of the new enterprise as shown below

Pres Next


Here, i would choose domain deployment environment as i want to be deployed it across the domain of mine.

Press Next and again at the next window ready to install, you need to press Next

The installation progresses

Once complete, you will see another window as below

Which will show the completion of installation.Now,what you can do to confirm the installation is, go to the start -Programs and Forefront TMG, open Forefront TMG Management

Now, you can see the TMG EMS Console as below,

So that is it. I hope this step by step information is helpful:-)


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